Welcome to the 2024-2025 Faith Formation year!

We understand that parents have the primary role in the sacramental preparation of their children.

Live your faith as a family with us!

We are here to support you fully in your role.

Children who see their parents attending Mass develop an innate understanding of Catholic spiritual life. In other words, if receiving Jesus is a priority and desire of a parent, it will be natural and more likely to become so for the child.


1st - 10th grade


First Communion: 2nd grade

Confirmation: 9th-10th grade (2-year process)


Grades 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9:  $45

Grade 2 (First Communion) — $105

includes all First Communion materials

Grade 10 (Confirmation) — $145

includes Confirmation retreat & all materials


Partial and full scholarships are available.

Please call the Faith Formation office at 941-795-2540 or email faithformation@sspeterandpaul.org

Questions? Please Reach out to us

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